Important phone numbers

Fire, accidents, danger, emergencies: Dial 112

Calls to 112 are free from landline phones, public payphones and mobile phones with and without a SIM card.
In Danish: Alarm 112

Non-emergencies call your local police station: Dial 114

Calls to 114 are routed to your nearest police station. This number should be used when reporting a crime, if you need help and information about permits, or if you have a tip for the police etc.
In Danish: Politi

Out-of-hours medical service: Dial +45 70 11 31 31

All contact with the out-of-hours medical service is by phone. The doctor in charge will assess over the phone whether you should be examined by a doctor.
In Danish: Lægevagt

Accident and emergency ward: Dial +45 87 31 50 50

Before contacting the emergency ward or the hospital, you will need a referral from your doctor or the out-of-hours medical service.
In acute situations you can call ahead: Dial +45 87 31 50 50
In Danish: Skadestue

Address of the emergency ward:

Regionshospitalet Horsens
Sundvej 30
8700 Horsens
(entrance F from Sundvej)
Please note that you need a referral to see a medical specialist. 

Out-of-hours dental service: Dial +45 40 51 51 62

In case for acute severe teeth damage at weekends or holidays you can call the out-of-hours dental service to get immediate dental service. This is expensive though, so you should use the out-of-hours dental service only in case of severe damage that needs immediate treatment. The dental service is located in Aarhus.
In Danish: Tandlægevagt